A Birthday Party Emcee being the Warm Host and Lively Spirit of the Party
A birthday party emcee is one of the epitome and essential persons on a party, aside from the celebrants and hosts.
Organising and disciplining birthday guests are not easy with just anybody doing the hosting in front.
Aside from keeping the composure of guests, the emcee also keeps the party moving, hence keeping it alive (prefer to call it entertaining and engaging something along this line – can we amend please).
The birthday party emcee should also be trained and have confidence and good programs to make the party successful.
Have an upcoming birthday party for your loved ones and friends? Then be sure to look for the best birthday party emcee in town.
Who is a Birthday Party Emcee and what does he/she do?
Our emcee services will be the representative of the hosts – parents, friends, relatives, or program organisers – to help welcome guests and keep them enjoy the party.
The emcee also handles activities and games and other tasks the host wants for the party.
The emcee follows the host’s and if any, party organiser’s, theme and make it entertaining and fun.
Preparing for the Birthday Party
An emcee needs to undergo preparations before taking up the party.
And of course, the most important part of preparation is to coordinate with the host. Here are the important points on what an emcee should prepare and do:
1. Coordinate with the host and organiser regarding the time or schedule and theme of the party. This will help the emcee plan ahead and move the party from one activity or game to another;
2. Meet the celebrant. It is important to meet the celebrant for the emcee to gather information and make the celebrant the star of the celebration;
3. Take background checks regarding the guests. It is important to know the guests for an emcee to give proper instructions during the activities;
4. Once the party is going to start, give the guests an overview of the scheduled activities and games. Welcome and provide them with a warm gratitude for coming to the party;
5. Introduce the celebrant and give some trivia or fun facts about him/her;
6. In every birthday parties, let us admit that food is one of the most important, if not, part of the event. An emcee will have to coordinate with the food provider to know whether it is time to serve the food;
7. The emcee is not only responsible for opening the party, but also closing it. The closing can be an open dance floor or a socialising part for guests until the party winds down. Big thanks to the guests on behalf of the hosts are also essential to ending the birthday party.
Get the Best Birthday Party Emcees
A birthday party emcee is critical at these events as you have learned. But getting the best emcee will tell how you value the celebrant the most.
Being an emcee is not an easy task, for it takes a reasonable amount of energy, and proper coordination to make the birthday party successful.
The good news is, there are lots of good birthday party emcees out there, and you will surely find the best for your loved celebrant.
If you want the best services and the best emcees for your birthday, we can provide you with all of that.
Should you need assistance or would like to find out more about our Emcee services, please send an email to Contact@Infinity2Talents.com, and we will contact you.